
Our Tele健康 Service Lines include the following:

Outpatient Virtual Visits (formerly TeleSpecialty)

Outpatient Virtual Visits connect patients and health care providers to our specialists via scheduled outpatient Tele健康 visits. Outpatient Virtual Visits increase access to specialty care services for patients located in rural or underserved areas and improves the patient experience via more convenient access to specialty care with reduced travel. Outpatient Virtual Visit services are currently offered, including specialty clinic appointments, direct-to-patient home visits, and inpatient 咨询s.


TeleEmergency provides a board-certified emergency medicine physician and an experienced emergency nurse to join 床边团队, 随需应变, 24/7. 使用高质量, two-way audio-video communication, the TeleEmergency team assists by whatever means requested, including nursing documentation, 病人直接护理, 咨询, 第二双眼睛, assistance with transfer coordination, 验收, 和/或运输.


TeleICN allows our neonatologists to join your bedside team to serve the needs of you and your patients for a wide variety of diagnoses. Some babies require a higher level of care as they adjust to life outside of the mother’s body. The 24/7 支持 of ICN services help keep patients and families closer to home by 支持ing clinical decision-making and providing expert evaluations and recommendations. If a transfer is necessary, our specialized ICN team will assist in transporting that patient.


TeleICU provides experienced intensive care physicians and critical care nurses to augment, 而不是取代, 床边团队. 除了, the service provides behind-the-scenes, 高级监控, and sophisticated analytical algorithms to identify concerning trends before patient deterioration. Not only does this result in decreased mortality and length of stay, but it also allows more patients to get their ICU care close to home.


TeleNeurology provides board-certified neurologists 随需应变 24/7 for Emergency Department and inpatient 咨询s. This includes not an only stroke (including evaluation and recommendations and assistance with tPA administration) but also assistance with other adult neurologic emergencies. This allows a lower-cost coverage option for hospitals with limited or no neurologist access, improved tPA administration rates, 减少转移.


TelePharmacy connects hospitals to a team of dedicated pharmacists who can provide medication order review and processing as well as clinical 咨询, allowing hospitals to optimize their internal staffing while remaining compliant with order review regulations. TelePharmacy improves medication efficacy, 患者安全, and staff satisfaction while 支持ing the integration of pharmacy delivery within hospital systems and/or regions, including protocols and order sets.


远程精神病治疗 enables prompt assessment and management of patients in the Emergency Department or inpatient setting for locations that do not have around-the-clock psychiatric coverage. Board-certified psychiatrists provide 24/7, 随需应变 assessments, including expedited admit vs. 放电的决定, early management recommendations, and assistance with medication management while improving the ultimate patient trajectory.


TeleUrgent保健 提供备用, 支持, and 咨询 to Urgent Care providers by emergency medicine physicians via high-definition, two-way audio-video conferencing. TeleUrgent保健 physician input can include general recommendations, real-time patient assessments, 第二个意见, advice regarding the need and timing of additional emergent or urgent evaluations, review of radiographic images, and assistance with volume surges.


To learn more about our Tele健康 services, contact the 连接的护理 and Center for Tele健康.